Thursday, March 20, 2014

my friend failure

today you had to take a test
and found out what was in it
you beat your head and did your best
and hoped you pushed the limit

and all the things you didn't know
will soon be plain to see
and all the nights not studying
and watching dumb TV

there's nowhere else in all of life
that you can take this stand
there's nowhere someone writes it out
a kind of reversed plan

a thing that makes you conscious of
the stuff you need to know
and big red marks like quandary's blood
to lead you through the snow

it's been said evaluation
is a thing that you should fear
but I think it's a thing to hold
and learn from failure's tears

if all of life had written tests
and study guides and books
we wouldn't have to base our days
on other's sordid looks

and failure what a funny friend
who punches when you're down
and waits and laughs beside the lake
like he wants to see you drown

then gives a glance just to his left
and nods a little smile
your feet touch bottom and you know
its been there all the while

and stronger now your head emerges
from the water's end
and failure grabs your hand and says
you're learning much, my friend

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